Sunday, 30 November 2008

To the idiotic anonymous person....

I do not want ignorant anonymous people commenting on my blog and when i can be bothered, im going to change the settings..if ur the idiot that made ignorant remarks about my music taste..the read this carefully..ur a dunce!! I dont write anything so that everyone has to agree. i accept that people have different opinions..but dont come to MY blog and tell me what my opinions are..

To all my blog family-new post about how i got dumped by text coming soon!! as soon as im dont fuming!!



bumight said...

pele, its been a while since anons have run wild on blogville, we're not used to them anymore.

Anonymous said...

Guess u should just update the settings to block the scum from posting in the first place........U'll save yrself the bother -- and u can launch a reprisal attack on the person's page.. LOL... Or better still u can just delete the comment.. Or try comment moderation for a super close control on what get's posted......Loads of viable options.. just pick yr choice...

LovePaprika said...

pls baby dont fume o!!! who is that MONKEY BANANA!!!!!! anyway dear like u said, people have different opinions and like i always say...not everyone is like u n not everyone u meet on the road (and in this case on the net) is SANE!:) cheer up and fill US IN OUCH!

ShonaVixen said...

hey hon, dont let ANONYMOUS the coward thus being anon get to u!!update soon gurl xoxo

LG said...

babes no mind dos bad belle pple jare' norrin do u

Tinu said...


eya pele!!

Naija Idol said...

ah ah. who b dat WERE! i go vex ring bottle for his/her head na o. oya give us d gist abeg...

Roc said...

Lol.. "The fear of the anonymous comment..."