Thursday 21 February 2008

My First Heartbreak

I was 11. He was an older guy-13. He was hot (at least to us at that time); half caste looking, with some kind of somalian looking hair and he could play 'b-ball'. His parents were fine, and everyone in their family had some exotic sounding janded names..not peter and paul oh..kai..i dont want to mention names sha-use your imagination. hot stuvs! We heard he moved into the estate, after he told one boy, 'my mum will call the police on you'..In those days, when the general threat was 'i'll break ya head'..'try will see something today'..he screamed..hmm..class? at least to us sha.

We sharply made friends with his sister. She take style fine sha..but we didn't care about her long hair and blemish free smooth skin..We just wanted to watch J playin b-ball and looking fine. Eventually, we formed some sort of friendship with him..and the big question came..'so who do you like?' It was a big deal for weeks..the main contenders being, me and my best friend L. Eventually, he wrote it on the dashboard of his dad's car with chalk as it drove out of his house one day. BB. Yes!! I had a boyfriend. After some badly spelled letters (from him) declaring his love..we were official!!

Anyhoo..I have no idea what we did sha..but I had to go back to boarding school. When i came back maybe for half term or something..There was 'hot gist' all over the estate. J had cheated on me..with L! my best friend and my boyfriend;what a cliche..Apparently, it wasn't a one time thing..they were having an affair(well-two times); the first time-they had a 'show me i show u' dirty..the second time..he pulled down her thin 'sphaggeti straps' and squeezed her breasts..his verdict? 'her breasts were like puff puff'..

To be honest..i wasn't heartbroken..i just found the whole thing funny. I guess i cheated with the title. im bored now.



Anonymous said...

Are these real? LOL
LMAO @she take style fine. mehn if any babe try that one at this stage in my life friend or no friend she go catch beating o LOL

Anonymous said...

What kind of names pls?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

puff puff lmao
nice blogs